Monday, April 18, 2011

Out there.

Hi There !
Right now I'm in the train with the kiddo's and heading for Copenhagen to visit my family. I'm going to be there for the holiday, and I'm quite exited! I haven't seen my cousins's lovely faces since the winter holidays, and therefore I want to spend time with them as much as possible. but. I have homeworks to do. I think I have like 5 assignments, and I have to get rid of them within this week. I know I'm on vacation, but still i'm busy. I have to get some sleep, because last week was a killer, and you can see the "scars" left on my face.

This Sunday, it has been 40 days since the fast began, and I have learned a lot from this. I know i should be grateful that i have so many options in life. That I actually have an option. I can be who i want to be. I'm born with a future. And i feel like a bastard, because I know that thousands of people at my age out there, that would die to have what I have even though it's not much.
There is a difference between me and them. I'm born. They're not.
I am shaped by my parents and nursed by somebody's love. They are, each one of them, created by gods hands.
Every single piece of hair, every single freckle. Every part of them can only be described as piece of art. An artist's pride.  
They HAVE a future.

I'm ruining mine.

Well'... gotta go. I'm getting of the train in a minute. with a fine in my hand.