Sunday, November 27, 2011


Louis Vuitton collaborates with artist  on a special order trunk & installation @ London Maison © M.Makela

Btw. I am planning to make a v'log about how i organize my stuff.. if i really did organize my stuff. I think it is primarily going to be about how i store my makeup. any complaints ?
 - nope
That's decided then !
Can't believe it is monday tomorrow. it's friggin' monday ! OH MY. Oh my back hurts.
Lately, two books have caught my attention and that clearly shows how inactive i have been the last few fridays on the blog. I have to say Oedipus by Sophocles and IT by Stephen King keeps me awake all night, which have caused an aching pain in my neck and a new issue: sleeping problems.

I have skipped a lot of meals lately, because i want to stay focused on my assignments and i lose my focus when i eat, but also when i think that i am hungry. I ate 3 meals today: my breakfast was two pieces of rye bread and two eggs, lunch was 3 tangerines and dinner(I ate dinner at 3 pm) was another omelette. My mother made pasta, but i knew if i ate pasta i would be hungry in a few minutes no matter how much i would indulge. Then I would go back to my room and place me and my big-fat-junk-ass in front of the computer and pretend for a moment that i would be erotically chubby like buddha statues. I have replaced all of my snacks with a cup of tea, milk or just water which means i have been on the pot more than i have said OMG on a daily basis.
Today was the first advent, which means it is the first day of the christmas season. My dad had decorated the house, and i was startled when i went to the kitchen to drop off my cup in the sink. I was walking in the dark, and hit the wrong light button and all the light decorations went on. I was taken by surprise and accidentally french kissed the wall and landed on my back.

- I think i have to go to bed before i hurt myself.

- Remember time, remember life*

*remember how much you wished to die