Monday, October 24, 2011


A new week has just begun, I'm back in school and i have curfew.... yes WHATTHE ?

What: My parents and I had a discussion about my iPhone - and it ended up in a fight.
Why: There is no reason why we had this fight .... I can't normally talk to my parents for more than 4-6 minutes before it ends up in a fight and that is normal.  This time we went from iPhone specifications to GPS-systems and to why I don't behave like a normal/good daughter.
When: The curfew ends... when it ends... I actually have two different curfews this time: My mother's and my father's are separated and different.

 - My father's is temporary: I'm not allowed to use my iPhone and I have to eat less. no sweets.

       - My mother's is.... barely human: I'm not allowed to be with my friends after school and i have to be home in less than 40 minutes after school is finished. She will call me every second minute to check, if I haven't arrived yet. No parties, not even birthdays or school parties.  no sweets. I am not even allowed to visit my own family like cousins and grandparents, but i don't care - It is my mother's parents and they love me more than anyone and they would stop by and kidnap me, if they knew that i was not allowed to visit them. She would keep my siblings away from me.... but she would let me keep my phone... and check it as much as she can ... and my laptop too.... and Facebook... 

Why are my parents being like this?  - don't ask me ! I can't argue with them because of my culture ... or rather their culture... or just rules.... rules in my family - among the five of us. It says that even if my parents are wrong about anything they are still right about everything.

I have talked with my grandmother and she told me that asians have a different culture when it comes to behavior and how parents raise their children.. but to my surprise she still claims that my parents are negatively extraordinary. ^^.

My mother just asked me how school was, what my thought were about my grades and if i had the feeling that i would be able to pass the exams and graduate - "because i don't want you to end up like %&"#%€".
And then she told me ....( nothing new... just the same sentence she likes to use....) that she doesn't give a dime about me, but the pride of the family and if i could stay out of trouble in order to not do any harm to the name of the family... and that i should hate myself.

And why don't i do anything about it ? - Let's just say that i'm used to it and therefore i have avoided any kind of gathering. I have stopped eating dinner with them for the past two years. 
Words are my replacement for a meal and it doesn't satiate, but it is more than enough to puke of.

I hate my life and I wanna die
I ain't got no iPhone
My heart is breakin', thinkin' suicide
I ain't got no iPhone