Saturday, December 27, 2014

Try to keep the truth from showing up

Merry christmas guys!! It's been quiet here hasn't it ?
After I finished my last exam before the holidays started, i did not bother checking the internet for days, spending my time cleaning and relaxing instead before heading home to Odense for Christmas. I arrived in odense pretty late... December 22nd, little over 21 with a huge suitcase and a cousin under my arms and with only one excitement keeping me awake during the whole journey: My bed.

The whole 23rd was spent on gathering chairs and cutlery enough for ..... puhhhh.... 49 people...
I asked my parents a little over a month ago to make a joined christmas party for both sides of the family, an idea i was excited for since the last one was 7 years ago. But standing with 3 long tables and still missing 7 seats, made me realise how big my family has grown but also the fact that my loving project was becoming a problem. We had a full course dinner and we were not sparing a single penny... Or space on the table. It was a hectic and fun night with both sides of the family, spending time to bond again after such a long time and i think i would call the party a succes.
(it can only be a succes, since we ate hotpot, soup and  my cousins sang "let it go" karaoke style - also we had a really good(read: bomb) blueberry/oreo cake of which i ate a quarter by myself)

 As any other parents, I think mine go divorced at least 5 times... Well.. I lost count after the fifth time some of them said they wanted a divorce. We also had too many dishes and that's how my parents show of. There's not so much we can brag about and by nature, my parents are very humble.
..... except when it comes to cooking skills... They dont brag, but they love the compliments^^

With 52 (yes, that was the count i got in the end) people in your house, you dont get time to talk to everyone. Especially not as the host, since you need to help and be in charge as well. At least i got to talk around a little, checking up on everyone and everybody...... well, almost.

It's funny to realise that some people that used to be somebody you would love and care fore, have such a little significance in your life now and  you're kind of pleased to be without them. Like it's the best feeling of relief you can have because you don't care a damn about what they're leaking out from their mouths, but is it okay to feel like that ? I guess so ^^ I just have nothing left. 
Never before have I been so calm about being put into a room with a person i don't like. It doesn't bother me anymore like it would have, just a year ago and i think i've become more immune... or i'm just tired that i don't really care about my whole appearance. I think i am revealing my true face...  it's weird but it feels good though. I dont feel like i have to keep up an act or be something i am not, for people to like me because i dont need the admiration from others. I dont need a group of minions that follow me, I dont need a herd of evil doctors to laugh with me (Yes, it's an Austin Power's reference), because i got enough in what i have and i'm grateful. Another thing i learned: even the person that thinks that he/she is a righteous person, he/she is still biased and judge with their opinion/belief in mind and not what seems right.... And trust in that person is a price you're willing to risk.

Yeah, i had a great (and educational/thoughtful) Christmas.. And i hoped you did as well^^
Here's my jam for the holiday (Yes, it supposed Last Christmas for me - this song is so good !!!!!)